Sunday, July 03, 2005

MSC Eldora,Nedderland XC

Results: 1st Kashi Leuchs(Team Bianchi), 2nd Roan Exelby, 3rd Mike West (Team Maverick)

Start altitude: 10500 ft
Course: Technical power terrain

Miles Venzara's prognosis for the day's racing: "this course is gonna put the hurt into the boys, you are just gonna have to MUSCLE it! "
Yeah Miles, you sure did get that one right. The course was uber technical with some extremely technical bits in it. Loose rocky climbs, open fire road, mud holes, power "walls", it had enough of everything to keep your mind off the pain... well, almost!

I had a great ride and am really looking forward to the Firecracker 50 on Monday... felling good. Will post some pics asap.
